Thursday, December 10, 2020

Round 1 Predictions

Anytime I hear/read "Round 1" my brain automatically says "Fight!" just like in Street Fighter... some of you know what I am talking about. We all have to past video games that we have come to love and embrace.... you know what? Screw this. Currently as I am writing this my next door neighbor is "talking" to a student outside his classroom - we all know how this goes! I just want to step outside and tell the student to just stop talking back. It would help in a variety of ways.... Number One: the conversation will stop. Number Two: I don't have to listen to this trash. 

The conversation is lasting waaaaayyyyy too long - it could have ended a long time ago, instead this particular student is just delaying the inevitable. Which is very similar to some of the teams that have made the playoffs - just delaying the inevitable. In all reality, there is really only 2 to 3 teams that have a legitimate chance to win it all. Most teams are just delaying the inevitable - extermination. However, we are all hoping we can have a run like Mr. Freeze of 2019 and pull off the miracle! Does somebody have it in them this year? You can't win it all if you don't win the first round....

1. Remember the Redskins v 8. Penis Fly Trap

This is a matchup between a team that has a legitimate chance and team that is just delaying the inevitable. RtR has been one of the top teams all season long and that is even without the number one overall pick - Run CMC. Wilson and Metcalf have carried the squad and not those two face the Jets and Run CMC is back - this is a recipe for a blowout victory in Round 1 for RtR.

Prediction: Remember the Redskins wins
Mystery Guest: Remember the Redskins wins

2. 2 Gurleys 1 Cupp v 7. Hernandez Hit Men

This matchup could be a little closer - HHM does have some firepower with Henry and Hill, pretty much 1.5 running backs. However, the overall depth of 2G1C may prove to be too much to handle. If Connor can make a return this week, it would be ironic if HHM loses to the guy that he traded away. Diggs and Kelce may make it a moot point if they are able to have big weeks - both facing tough defenses. This should be a good matchup - but ultimately, the top seed moves on....

Prediction: 2 Gurleys 1 Cupp wins
Mystery Guest: 2 Gurleys 1 Cupp wins

3. The J-Bones v 6. Solo Driving Asians

SDA has been one of the hottest teams in league up to this point - they have entered the playoffs with a full load and are now running full steam ahead into a team that is on their last gasp! SDA was close to a belt win last week and you know they are just looking to try and touch the belt for the first time ever. Is this the week? Even if it isn't the week, this shouldn't be the end of the ride for SDA...

Prediction: Solo Driving Asians wins
Mystery Guest: The J-Bones wins

4. Asymmetric TDs v 5. iTouchdown There

This is a battle between two teams that have legitimate firepower and legitimate chances at the coveted trophy! Mahomes and Murray are top QBs and Cook and Kamara are top RBs. The only downside to this matchup? It isn't for the championship - both these teams have the starpower to make deep runs and it is unfortunate (for them) they had to matchup in the first round. For everyone else, it is nice one of them is going to eliminate each other....

Prediction: iTouchdown There wins
Mystery Guest: iTouchdown There wins


I wish you all good luck, except for you Remember the Redskins, may your entire roster burn in a fiery helicopter crash eerily similar to the one that took down Kobe! 

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