Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Results from the Chub

Conspiracy Theory: a belief that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event.

There are plenty of conspiracy theories in the world, if you do a quick a search online you may spend half the night in a black hole of YouTube videos. What you might find....

- JFK was shot from the grassy knoll

- Bush did 9/11

- Birds are not real, they are just used by the government to spy on us

- Anything involving Area 51

- We didn't land on the moon

- Men who think they are women

- How the f*ck Dixie Normous keeps winning

Which brings us to our results from the playoffs....

Matchup of the Week
1. Wings of Dickarus v 4. Dixie Normous

Let's just breakdown the season of the all-time greatest playoff fantasy player ever...

- Dixie Normous has scored in the bottom five 9 out of 13 weeks of the regular season
- Entering the playoffs, Dixie Normous had scored less points than his opponents - yet still finished 4th in the league
- In the two weeks of the playoffs, both teams Dixie faced off against fell short of their projected total by an average of 30 points
- Dixie Normous started ELI MANNING!!

To be fair, this week Dixie Normous did win the belt and now enters the championship with a team that has showcased the ability to score points. The only players to not reach double digits were his kicker and backup Giants tight end. Will it carry over into this week? It really shouldn't matter, his cooling powers will work and his opponent will score less than 100 points.

Results: Dixie Normous wins
Prediction: Wings of Dickarus wins... WRONG!!
Mystery Guest: Dixie Normous wins... RIGHT!!

7. Hernandez Hitmen v 6. Florida State Seminal Vesicle

This was the real matchup and it really came down to the manager decisions, and someone dropped the ball! Everybody knew Run CMC was going to dominate - he has done it all year. The bigger surprise was DJ Moore scoring 20 plus. The Patriots returned back to their scoring ways and even outscored Brady. FSSV has been one of the highest scoring teams in the league, winning the belt twice. However, HHM has to be kicking himself for not starting Drake. There really was no reason not to start him. Everybody and their mom had that game pegged for a shootout and Drake is the starting running back. I understand not starting him over Henry and Bell, but why not start him over Sanders. Drake has been a force since joining the Cardinals, and now he will be competing in a consolation game.

Results: Florida State Seminal Vesicle wins
Prediction: Hernandez Hit Men wins.... WRONG!!
Mystery Guest: Florida State Seminal Vesicle wins.... RIGHT!!

Season: 51-39, 1 belt win
Mystery Guest Season: 48-42, 3 belt wins


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